Scientific Research

《Applications of GPT in Finance, Compliance and Audit》

Date:2024-05-13 11:12


Springer Nature is the first to authorize authors to use GPT as part of an integrated workflow to create this new academic book. The German edition of this book “Einsatzmöglichkeiten von GPT in Finance, Compliance und Audit" has been published. The book was composed during the "Hack Day" in this spring. The event brought together the authors, editors and experts of Springer Nature. It took less than five months, about half the normal publication time, from initiation to completion of the publication. The experiment showed that technology can help reduce barriers for people who are unable to write for a variety of reasons, as well as those who are unable to write without help. Writers with expertise and high-quality editing work continue to play an indispensable role in ensuring high-quality content.

Quick and easy access to credible scientific knowledge is key to facilitating exploration and discovery, which is proved by the vaccine research and development during the pandemic. AI has the potential to further accelerate this process. 

Based on this experience, Springer Nature continuously strives to utilize technology and AI tools to further assist the scientific community, and these tools are equipped with human intervention and supervision.